Hi blog! My group consisted of me, Lee, Sofia, and Madison, who have made the process of researching and planning extremely easy as well as fun. We work really well together as a group because each of us bring a different perspective to the process, for example, Lee is extremely good at editing, Sofia and Madison have individual styles, but they both have creative and unique ideas to create the best product, and I take pride in my in-depth research ability. Here are some things that we did to ensure an effective research and marketing process.
Researching Bands
We were asked to have each team member assess and research a music production company as well as one artist of the assigned genre who is under that company. My group and I received the genre "Heavy Metal Rock" which I initially was quite worried about because it is very different from what I typically listen to. But with the help of my teacher and my teammates, I decided to do RCA records and Måneskin. The band I chose is an Italian/American band that makes music in both Italian and English, and I learned about how much their brand plays into their now-international audience.
I ended up being really happy with the genre that we selected to do our research and project on because there is so much more to heavy metal music than I originally thought, which I wouldn't have learned if I wasn't forced out of my comfort zone. I learned many techniques I wanted to utilize in my own projects by researching Måneskin's history, audience, branding, and both digital and non-digital distribution choices.
Planning Process
When it came time to plan for the larger aspects of the project such as the music video or the presentation, my group and I set specific dates that we wanted to have individual tasks completed. We had about two weeks of class time to work without groups on the assignments, and my group decided to begin filming the music video as early as possible so we could get ahead and not have the editing of such an intricate video as we had planned be rushed. We planned every step from having a complete Instagram page for our band to filming the voiceovers of the presentation.
The four of us care about our success in this class immensely and wanted to do the absolute best that we possibly could, because it genuinely was a fun project and we are so excited to see how it turns out in the end. We would not be nearly as confident as we are if we had not planned this much, so we are grateful that we chose to map out every person’s tasks, and when we should have them finished by.