Hi blog! I am now fully switching gears to the CCR, since we wrapped up filming, which I will make posts about later next week! So in honor of such, I was thinking about what I would like to do with question 2 of my CCR. The question is "How does your project engage with audiences and how could it be distributes as a real media text?" I would like to answer this question along with question 4, which I will explain in a future post. I selected these two questions to partner together because they are the ones that I feel I can answer best with a physical board next to me, which I will explain.
You may be thinking: Kenna, what prop are you talking about? Well, as I plan to do my CCR with half of the videos in one (1/3 in the wired video) and the rest in the other (2/4 in the board video), I needed to come up with a second creative idea on how to sell my answer to this question. In my head, I like to organize things in a specific way, and I am a visual learner at my core, so I thought a creative way to express my answer to some of the questions was to map out my thought process for the camera to see exactly how my brain was organizing it. I am going to create a chart where I can connect my plan for distribution and audience as if on a murder mystery episode. I got this idea because one thing I learned from this project is that you have to work around things, and connect dots that are not going to be very clear, but it is needed to get the finished product (which I will also post next week once editing is concluded).
I also planned to do this because I am still new to editing, and I want to make it easier on me later to edit and not have to include numerous amounts of images on screen, as I can print them out physically. I will include images of the actors, with their diverse appearances, movies that inspired our film, film festivals we aspire to distribute to, social media to advertise where we are going to distribute, and much more about our process that relates to the question.
Here are some image examples of what I plan to do to answer my question 2:
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